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Human Resource Management
Pandemic Lessons and Tips for Boardroom Success in the New Normal
Recently, The Directors College Alumni were joined by subject matter experts for a discussion moderated by Michael Hartmann, Principal of The Directors College for insights into their areas of expertise for today’s board agenda and predictions on post-pandemic governance trends.

New Leadership Models Challenge Boardrooms to Adapt
Dr. Michael Hartmann, Principal of The Directors College and faculty member Michelle Richard, Senior Partner with Boyden Global Executive Search talked to the National Post about the future of the boardroom and the importance of diversity and director education to maintaining the balance needed to succeed.

Re-imagining the Future of Work in a post-COVID-19 World
Dr. Michael Hartmann, Principal of The Directors College was joined by panelists Zabeen Hirji, Global Advisor, Future of Work, Deloitte and Dr. Leonard Waverman, Dean, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University in the tenth session of The McMaster Collaboratorium on May 26 for a discussion on how the pandemic has changed how we work, where we work, how leaders lead and what the future holds.

Recruiting, On-Boarding and Preparing Board Directors and Senior Executives in a COVID-19 Environment
On May 19, The McMaster Collaboratorium, hosted by Dr. Michael Hartmann, Principal of The Directors College with guest panelists Michelle Richard, Partner, Leader of Federal and Public Sector Practice, Boyden Global Executive Search and Roger Duguy, Global Practice Leader, CEO & Board Services, Boyden, discussed how organization are rethinking the way that they attract, recruit, and retain their board members and senior executives in the rapidly changing environment brought on by COVID-19.

Compensation and Performance Management for Executives and Directors: Trends, Changes and Practices
On May 5, Michael Hartmann, Principal, The Directors College and guest panelists Christopher Chen, Managing Director, Compensation Governance Partners and Rachel O’Connor, Practice Lead, Leadership and Performance, Watson Inc. discussed how director and executive compensation and performance management approaches are adjusting in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic in the tenth session from The McMaster Collaboratorium.

Embracing Transformation or Why You Will Need to Replace 50% of Your Board
On April 28, in another installment of The McMaster Collaboratorium, Principal of The Directors College, Michael Hartmann and guest panelists Richard Counihan, CEO DigniFi and Barry Libert, Chairman and CEO, AIMatters, explored how companies will need to reexamine the competencies of their directors given the current and lasting ways in which markets are changing and business models are being disrupted.