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The Directors College 2021 Annual Graduation & Alumni Event Recap
The Directors College was pleased to celebrate its Chartered Director program graduates and recognize their achievement at the virtual 2021 Annual Graduation & Alumni Event on October 6.

New partnership agreement between TDC and CAS – New pricing to obtain the reciprocal designation C.Dir. – ASC.
Ten years after the first partnership agreement between The Directors College (TDC) and the Collège des administrateurs de sociétés (CAS), the two institutions have reviewed the terms of their agreement to make amendments to various items including the terms and conditions of obtaining the reciprocal designation C.Dir. – ASC and in particular, the price to obtain the designation.
The Directors College Annual Graduation and Alumni Event 2018
A recap of The Directors College Annual Graduation and Alumni Event 2018.
The Beach or Innovation Governance?
Why one board member traveled from the other side of the world to become a member of the Innovation Governance for Board Directors Class of 2018