C.Dir. Exam
Upcoming C.Dir. Exam Period
- January 13 – 14 and 16 – 17, 2025
- June 16 – 20, 2025
Important C.Dir. Exam Information
The Chartered Director (C.Dir.) exam is 3 hours in length and is 150 multiple-choice questions, taken online. All of the written material in the reference binder and the binders for Modules 1–4 are examinable as per the Index of Materials provided for each module.
You have 14 months from your last module to complete the exam. If not completed within that time frame, you are no longer eligible to obtain your designation and will need to restart the program.
The passing grade is 70 per cent. If unsuccessful, exams can be re-written up to three times after the initial attempt.
You do not have to register for the exam, our team will reach out to you after you complete Module 5 to set up a day for you to write within the exam period.
Note: after you complete each module you will have access to practice quizzes and module materials until you successfully complete the exam.