Home » A message from Dr. Michael Hartmann, Principal of The Directors College

A message from Dr. Michael Hartmann, Principal of The Directors College

February 6, 2018

I’m really pleased to share with you a new and emerging theme that will be weaving its way through a number of Directors College activities and programs in 2018 – it’s the topic of Innovation Governance, or more specifically – looking at the role that boards of directors can play vis a vis management in supporting an organization’s innovation agenda.  This is a critical topic.

As we know, the financial markets are relentless in pressuring organizations to grow and to grow at seemingly ever greater rates and, where possible, to exceed those projected rates as well.  And to do so in an environment that can be characterized by tremendous turbulence and transformation due to a number of forces including digital technologies and innovations, be it the cloud, IoT, and now AI and other factors.  Boards know this. Executives know this.

The challenge is connecting the knowing to the doing and the execution.  The challenge for large organizations is introducing new and sometimes disruptive innovations that have the potential to displace current products and processes, disrupt current business models and ways of doing things.

As well as for small organizations and start up organizations; that need to be able to grow and scale new innovations.

We are really looking forward to showcasing some of these issues in a new and upcoming module this April at Communitech, one of Canada’s innovation hubs,  where we are going to bring together a class of board directors from across the country with technologists, technology consultants, academics, including my colleague Jean-Phillipe Deschamps from IMD, to explore the issues of innovation, the barriers to innovation and the leverage that board directors can execute to support an innovation agenda.

So that, as directors you can leave the program better prepared to ask more critical, more focused questions of your key stakeholders including your CIO and CTO and you can reflect upon your own skills matrix to make sure that the board has individuals around the board table that have the knowledge and requisite understanding of some of the challenges facing organizations today.


LEARN MORE: Innovation Governance for Directors, April 5-7, 2018 at Communitech, Waterloo, ON, Canada.


I look forward to you joining us in April and please feel free to visit The Directors College website for more information.  Thank You.